Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bumps Bruises and much much more...

I want to share to people that horseback riding has much risk specially when it some to safety. Our health as human beings are majorly jeopardized once we ride on the back of a horse. This is because we never know how the horse can react and what the horse can do. The fact is that a horse is still an animal and all animals are not rational. These horses we ride on everyday are as unpredictable as can be thus putting are lives at risk.

Many known people have been injured all their lives due to falling from a horse. The first person who comes to mind is Christopher Reeve he became a vegetable due to one hard fall form his horse. Riding a horse is no joke. One not so known fact i can share with everyone not so familiar with horses is that horses can smell when the rider is nervous or unsure of himself/herself. There is a certain hormone that we humans emit through our pores when we are nervous or unsure of what we are doing. Once the horse smells that his/her rider feels this way even they now feel uneasy as well making them even more unpredictable. So just a little tip when riding a horse even if you don't know how just try to act as if your okay, for your own sake hahah :)

Check out these wild falls in all the 4 kinds of equestrian competition there are:

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